These are weird, polarised times that we live in. It feels like we’re constantly being pulled into conversation after conversation now about who are you standing FOR and who are you AGAINST? YES, or NO? Collingwood, or Brisbane Lions? Israel or Palestine? Russian or Ukraine? Democratic, or Republican? For or against A.I.? Athiest, or Religious/Spiritual? Woke, or anti-woke? What if this constant obsession with sides, and the needing to storm and norm and assemble with the people ON our side is a part of the problem though? What if it’s beginning to make us more intolerant of difference than we’ve ever been, and causing more separation and division, than as a species, we can actually sustainably afford to maintain?
There are A LOT of problems in the world right now, for which I don’t even begin to claim to have an answer for. There are a lot of injustices, on various scales of severity, perpetuating forward with such perpetual conviction right now, like wars, like continuing environmental and habitat destruction, like unchecked corporate greed, the breaking down of parts of the economy, and thousands of pathways of making a living, not to mention the loss of basic human rights over one’s own image and intellectual property, as more and more companies push to implement A.I. to achieve their agenda at any cost. Like the endless pursuit, and the justification of the pursuit, of the agenda of “ME” over the “WE” involved in any and all of these situations. They all have their scale of urgency and priority. The prospect of war, death, violence, rape, torture, imminent frequency of ever more natural disasters, all beckon our immediate attention and intervention. And yet at the same time, when “inflation,” and the cost of housing and living v’s your wage becomes so high that far too many are at risk of homelessness, while ever more parties use these as justification not to make any promises any more about paying you by a certain time, and the implementation of A.I. in almost every area in which you’ve been traditionally employed threatens to cut the fees/income you used to be able to receive for doing all of those jobs down to something unsustainable for anyone who doesn’t have over a certain number of customers, or who is limited to any form of time for money exchange scenario to sustainably live on, it’s hard NOT to be concerned with the imminent and immediate ME related implications for oneself of this in a world that still runs on monetary exchange. One that, ever more, seems to have recently doubled back down into a lack based culture again of dog-eat-dog, every MAN in it for themselves “ME” over “WE” mentality, fuelled by fear and lack? Faith and trust in our fellow humans to have our own back seems to be breaking down. Plus ever moreso in human facing scenarios, as a symptom of this, so many conversations seem to now so quickly escalate to a fight, based on a default expectation that the other doesn’t care or recognise our needs. And therefore a fight over who’s needs and rights, are RIGHT. When, as I’m editing a whole book of thoughts and practices relating to right now, it doesn’t NEED to ever be or become a fight. As we sit in Australia today, on top of a referendum that asks us to pick a side (and threatens to fine us for NOT picking a side) in regards to our Indigenous brothers and sisters having a voice in parliament, amidst the various opinions of the Indigenous Leaders and people who identify as aboriginal or Torres straight Islander on this, and the various sources of information voicing concerns about the lack of information or insufficiencies of the documents being placed on the table, it becomes hard listening to the OUTSIDE to know what is truly the right thing for all parties to do. Just as it can be confusing in a thousand other major globally impacting scenarios right now to know what is truly the best of strategies forward. In the end the best we can do, is do our best to seek as much information as we need on the subject at hand from those who can provide it, take the time to digest it and then tune in and hand it to our higher intelligence, our heart and soul and intuition to guide as to the right answer. But as it relates to picking a side this week, I also found myself writing this: I’m for equality in consideration of the needs of all parties in relational and group contexts I’m for being clear and upfront in each party clearly communicating their needs, wants, expectations and boundaries, with love and kindness and the need for all parties involved to be willing to hear and consider all relevant sides and viewpoints, in an attempt to come up with a mutually beneficial pathway forward. I’m for any party speaking up when some aspect of behaviour or action falls out of alignment with that. And working towards a mutually beneficial solution. But when it comes to humanity, I’m NOT FOR this constant taking of sides. Because, like a circle, or better yet, a sphere, humanity has no sides. We’re all one and one within the whole. If we’re to ever get out of the multitude of predicaments the human race now finds itself in, we have got to remember that, now more than ever. We have got to stop seeing and focusing on the vast chasm of our differences and mistakes. And start seeing the other again, in the NOW, for their humanity, with all its depth, complexity and hidden vulnerability. We have got to start looking for the beauty and the best in that other human in front of us. And we have got to commit to looking more often for the common ground that unites us over our differences. We have got to choose love, especially of our enemies. And accept that love and calling someone out on an act of behaviour as a way of bringing us BACK to love AND having compassion and unity, can co-exist. It may be the hardest thing you or I will ever do to practice opening our hearts and offering a hug and trying to find reasons to foster compassion and understanding FOR the people who are locked to their own agendas, to the people who we perceive have hurt US the most, or hurt others the most…. and who we therefore have the most heated feelings towards and judgements of their actions. But if we can’t learn to do it now, the human race is getting ever closer to 50 shades of f@#$ed yet AGAIN . We’ve had Millenia after Millenia of history repeating itself: Of children born into hate, trauma and judgement and political war, who lose someone they love in this war, growing up to hate and then start another war with someone seeking justice or revenge. Millenia of old Leaders who hate another Leader they can’t get to come over to side, or gain power over or assets from, telling hundreds of thousands of young people who DON’T hate each other that they NEED to hate each other and go to war with each other to achieve justice. And then civilisation after civilisation eventually falling because of it. When does jt ever end???? Perhaps it ends when we remember to see it for what it really is… and choose to learn to love our enemies? When we choose to Be FOR humanity. Call me naive, and call me a broken record, but I truly believe that when we look someone in the eyes, no matter who that someone is and what they’ve done, standing in the power of our hearts and souls. offer them love, and allow for the absolute best within them to come forward (and ask for “divine/higher intelligence too, to support us with this), they WILL show up in the most beautiful and miraculous ways, meeting you BACK in that energy. Learning to hold and continually choose and come back to that energy oneself is a journey that happens once. But that we must choose time and time again. But I continue to believe it is the answer of all answers in these times. Until next time Nat xx P.S. I can barely edit this book fast enough right now. If you’d like to stay in the loop to receive a copy, you can jump on my mailing list below.... |
WriterIn a world in which we've got too busy for meaningful human connection, Nat talks about the ways we can bring it back. Archives
October 2024
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