(and how NOT to play that game)Have you ever had one of those moments where a new opportunity comes in, something that you really, really want. Something that's the natural evolution in you taking it to the next level. And you take it. But within a short time you find its taking you 3 times longer than you'd like to get something done because you're so busy trying to do BETTER and do the BEST you possibly can....because suddenly you think your best is not enough. When actually exactly who you are and what you were already doing totally well is exactly why that opportunity was attracted to you in the first place. It was your genius, your essence, your magic, your beautiful presence already perfectly in motion. How do we get back to being the brilliant selves we already ARE when this form of self sabotage or maybe even other people's stuff starts to creep in? How do we stay on our path and keep showing up as who we really are, instead of as our fears? What are some simple practices we can do to help with that? That's what this week's video is all about. Plus a few extra thoughts for a new moon in Aries....
TIme to shine a great big light into all those dark, FEARFUL, places WITHIN, so that we can clearly see our path forward and support each other to get there...together. xx NatWe all have one as women, right? Those women in the personal development space that we just HAD to work with because they just have that X factor. You don't necessarily know what it is at first, you know it's got something to do with being deeply connected to their feminine essence and wisdom and sensuality and un-apologetically owning that. And you're already working on that. But still, you see it and you know you want to have whatever THAT is too, right? The good news is, if you're seeing it in them, logically it must already exist in you too. But the perhaps even better news is, you have a version all of your own that no one else has, that is waiting inside for you to cultivate it and let your own version of it shine. And when you do, for no reason that has ANYTHING to do with being salesy or manipulative or misusing ones sexual power, but everything to do with you being authentically you, more women and men will be lining up to buy what you've got too. And, for that matter, just wanting to hang out with you too. 1- Sexual Self Esteem: Developing a Positive Connection with our Bodies brings forward our sexy factorYes it's part self confidence, yes it's part positive body image, yes it's part connecting with your own gorgeous essence. AND it's also part building your sexual self esteem too. Because how we regard ourselves sexually has a huge impact on our ability to show up fully feminine present and in our flow. How you relate to your body relative to your sexuality has a huge impact on wether your heart and your body will open their gifts for you. When you cultivate a relationship with your body that is loving, gentle, kind, patient and respectful and speak to and treate your most sacred of private parts with this kind of love and tender loving care, magical things happen. Energy switches on, illnesses quickly heal, numbness disappears, sensation and the flow of energy returns and with it the potential gift of pleasure. So one of the most little known but super important things you can do to help get your own X factor on and flowing is take some time to notice how you relate to not just your body but your menstrual cycle, your life stage, your sexual and or reproductive functionality. And have a think about in what ways you can, acknowledge and appreciate all the wonderful things they do do for you and functions they do for you. What if you were to make a list of 20 things you love about your sacred lady parts, including the great experiences you've had together and appreciating the functions she tirelessly does for you? And what can you do to be a bit more physically loving and nurturing of this part of you? I actually took lead from some of the beautiful men I've been with on this one and really took notice of the loving, honouring, healing and fully appreciative energy and touch they were dishing out that helped me heal a lot of wounds in this area. We don't have to learn this whole self love thing in isolation. Sometimes the mirror of it given by someone else, wether from a sister circle or a beautiful partner, is exactly what we need to help us fully understand what it looks like to love ourselves and our bodies in the same way. It's like the Ne-yo song "Let Me Love You (until you learn to love yourself) |
WriterIn a world in which we've got too busy for meaningful human connection, Nat talks about the ways we can bring it back. Archives
October 2024
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