What i found myself doing yesterday, after chats with friends and colleagues was creating a process out of my existing tool belt to help a few friends in particular navigate their way through this couple of days. So this week, in case you're still feeling a little stirred and wondering how do you get out of the momentum of the mental and emotional dust cloud that’s unfolding within and around you like a pack of stampeding stallions, grab hold of the reigns and get back to YOU, your rhythm, and the OTHER reality you could also be living, the one in which you've already succeeded and nailed every challenge, conquered every fear you've just experienced now, quickly. (In terms of the mindset side of it, there’s a little 7 step tool I created I like to use for that. Ask me if you'd like it.) The most important download to take from that though, reminds us that most of what we feel when we’re overwhelmed, to put it bluntly, usually a load of unfounded mental B.S. that either hasn’t happened yet and will likely never happen, or happen again. I repeat, the shit that we tell ourselves and the emotional stampede that follows when we’re riddled with anxiety, unless there is legitimately some dude chasing you down the street in that moment, is...not...freaking....real. The brain, as clever as it is, struggles to tell the difference between the latest 3D HD blockbuster scary movie you just created with it, and reality TV. But it’s hard to remember that when you’re neck deep drowning in the emotion of it, hey? That's why i'm now standing in front of you, with love, clicking my fingers with a giant smile saying, "hey you, yes you, snap back out of there!" "Because, simultaneously, there exists a place where you already successfully navigated this situation, you got all the answers, you got all the support and are in a much happier, more abundant, happy place. What that looks like is unique for each of us. But the choice now, INSTEAD of feeding the wild stallions a bucket of high energy B vitamin loaded high performance thought pellets and clicking at them to giddy up by letting the stream of “BUT WHAT IF, AND I”M SO FREAKING OUT” thoughts continue to run, is to fully reconnect and get back on that track to the at least one of the other realities, timelines in which you've got this NAILED. In short, here’s how (which is kind of a re-working for the occasion of multiple processes including the GAIA technique we use at WLA, with a pinch of my wisdom thrown in): BREATHE LOVE RECONNECT HEAL DOWNLOAD ACKNOWLEDGE LIVE And now here’s how you work it in a little more depth. BREATHE Just sit, close your eyes and just breathe for a bit, either somewhere that calms you (outdoors if it’s warm enough where you are, or maybe listen to something on one of your devices that chills you out.) The aim though is to breathe and be present with you. LOVE Think of someone that you love. And what it is about them that you love. Remember a happy time with them you had recently that made you smile, maybe laugh and appreciate how lucky you are to have that in your world. Ask yourself what else there is right now to be grateful for in your world. (This immediately shifts your state, out of your head and back into your heart.) RECONNECT Intend to connect to the reality in which you’ve already successfully solved every care in your head right now, successfully achieved the goals you’ve been setting lately and successfully connected with all of the people, support and resources you needed to get there. Imagine that energy coming towards you and you stepping into it. Let it flow through you and into you. It’s nothing to fear. It’s your DESTINY. And you’ve always been connected to it. While your mind was doing its thing, you just forgot for a bit. HEAL Take it a step further and let that energy (your soul energy) and as much love as you can bring through your heart surround that bit of you that is freaking out (wherever and whenever its from) like a parent would a child. If you need help, call in the energy of the Divine Mother and Father archetypes too and ask them to help you embody them and express them in a way that is uniquely "YOU". Intend to send the love and the energy you just reconnected with to heal the triggered part of you all the way through time and space. You might like to send that love to anyone else that was involved too, again, in all directions of time and space. DOWNLOAD Ask for insights on what things you had to do, be, give up, embrace, insights on what input and external input was required to help you get there Eg for what you have to do right now to help create that. Make a note of at least 3 things. ACKNOWLEDGE Then take a moment to take stock of all the things in your life that you already have that are already aligned with that reality. Acknowledge your successes and what you already have. Because acknowledging existing success creates more success. LIVE Get back to it and take the action you need to from this place. No more overwhelm. Maximum reconnection with full potential. Now...onto those 3 things. Let me know how you go. Nat xoxo
As a friend said yesterday, it's not the time spent separate that heals all wounds. It's having the courage to drop into our hearts in the presence of our wounds and of others wounds in the present, that starts to magnetise back all the right puzzle pieces as they're meant to fit and transform them into love. To love with the fiercest and most gentle presence, to transform with fierce compassion the wounds in the other that mirror our own wounds and the wounds in us that mirror theirs. To find we're not that different, that they fear what you fear, they hurt like you've hurt and they want the love, the connection, the healing, the happiness, the success, the deep fulfilment, the wholeness, for you and for them, and the peace that you want. But none of that can happen until we dare to drop into our hearts and lovingly, with permission, with "I"statements of ownership of what we see, we hear, we sense, we feel, have the courage to speak the truth that's truly in our hearts. And through our courage, empower others to do the same. One of the things this lifetime has reminded me again and again is to always speak our hearts truth, to let ourselves feel how we really feel, to say where you're really at, to say what you really feel, what you really need. To just take the chance and get it out there. Right here, right now, not in 6 months, a year, 10 years. Yes it might not be perfectly eloquent. Yes it might not be totally what we or they (think) we want. Yes that might mean you need to give up or let go of something. It might mean things will change or we might lose something. But it is so much kinder for everyone involved to get it out there, to get it over with, to let the endings and rebirths happen that need to...right now. To delay the transformation that needs to occur is to live fragmented in the stasis of a fantasy world of our imagination, of dreams never realised, that never ground into our reality. Cluttered with puzzle pieces out of order, that don't fit the picture we're trying to fit them into. Living imprisoned by a cage of fear, of loss, of pain, of numbness, of fear of being alone or being worse off than we already are. What kind of life is that? What is that truly teaching our children about love to allow that? What is that teaching our clients about that? BUT then what if we were to speak that truth and evolution happen? What if feeling all we feel is the source of both our liberation? What if that connection because of that truth were then to deepen? And blossom into what it is truly meant to be? To get to the depth of heart connection and love you, they, are truly meant to be operating at? Nat xoxoOne of my favourite things in the world...warm morning beach run...can't do that in Melbs this time of year (minus a massive jacket) but I CAN always make ways to do it somewhere like this. Wether there have been times in my life where I woke up to 35K in my daily transaction or -10K and 30c left in my account a day before some Centrelink payment arrived, I have found a way in life to end up in some of the most amazing places, with the most incredible people, regardless of whatever was happening in life and whatever I thought I "couldn't" do at the time. So often when I'm talking to people about what is in the way of them doing what they really want, there is a wall, a bunch of prison bars of "I can't!" "The kids...I can't", "my partner, I can't!" "My family I can't" "my job, I can't!" Money, I can't!" I know WELL the electrified, reinforced iron bar prison of "I can't!" After everything I've been through, it would be SOOOO easy to just say "you know what, I just can't do relationship again in this lifetime. Too much. Too painful, I can't" But instead, two days ago I'm guided to sitting on a giant sacred rock that looks like a giant dick put there by a warrior spirit, making peace, asking for healing and love. And two nights later I'm on Tinder, saying "fuck it, I'm all yes on this gorgeous guy, sending messages and wondering HOW I can fit more connection into my coming weeks. F&#k "I can't!" It's no different with business, with work, with that holiday, with whatever it is we REALLY want. Several billion people on the planet, trillions of dollars, information and resources EVERYWHERE we look beyond the cage of "I can't." I bet you that you, that WE CAN. Here's the thing about that. The cage only maintains its structural and electrical integrity as long as you keep mentally feeding it the thoughts that electrify the bars and paying the mining, the manufacturing and construction crews that keep fixing the door and the lock every time you worked out you could just lever it off and walk free any time you liked. But HOW does one get oneself from the cage, to the sunny beach? -Tell yourself "I can" instead of "I can't" -Stop listening to the voices, the doubters who tell you "you can't" -Ask yourself "HOW can I?" Instead? -Find your deep sense of inner entitlement to what you really want. -Follow the inner urge to action or reception of what you need when they come. So what is it that you REALLY want to be doing in life right now? Where do you want to be and who do you really want to be doing it with? As I reminder myself sitting on a beach last night, quit the bitching, re-align with ease and grace and just go get it my friend ☀️💪🏻🙌🏻🙏🏻💖 Nat xoxo |
WriterIn a world in which we've got too busy for meaningful human connection, Nat talks about the ways we can bring it back. Archives
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