Hey there friends of She Lives a Life She Loves :-) How was your week this week? On my Facebook page this week I was talking about intuition and asked the question, how can you work on honing your intuition in your business and life to help maximise your success and the longevity of your efforts in all you create? And use your discernment to ensure that the possibilities that present are the most aligned for the highest good of you and all involved?
In this video, I talk a little more about why I think it's important to be able to access your intuition and ability to be discerning with all of the information (and energy) available to you, how this can benefit both your business and your clients and finally I talk about 5 things you can do every day to help you open up your intuition more in business and life. If you're yet to become a member of the fabulous Practitioner Collective Facebook group I co-facilitate, you may have missed me mentioning last Sunday that I had also just recorded a few versions of one of the energetic self care meditation practices I mention in this video that I had just done for myself on our lazy Self-Care Sunday...so that rather than having to think about doing a process at the end of my busy working week while i was tired and just wanted to lie on the coach, I could just listen to somebody guiding me through the same version instead. This process I was talking about is actually a mini version of a process I had originally designed to take my Wellness/Coaching/Human Service Business Owning clients through in session when they too have been really busy, have seen lots of clients that day, or have had some stuff come up they know they'd like to clear. It helps them instantly re-connect with their clarity of self and purpose, re-charge and re-set to their highest potential. You can find out more about this meditation, which I've popped a link to below and why it helps you also further hone your intuition in the video above.
She Lives a Life She Loves End of Day R & R Meditation
$9.97 AU
If after watching it, you'd like to know more about how you can further develop your intuition within your Wellness or Coaching business and your life, for the benefit of you, your clients and your bottom line, you know where you can find me, right?
Until next time, have fun, take care. Nat xx Hey there all. If you saw my Facebook page this week, you'll have seen i'd said I wanted to make this week about remembering our feminine strength. I love the softness of the feminine. I well understand the vulnerability of the feminine. But, despite what I've been through in life, I refuse to ever buy into the the continual perpetuation of the idea that women are helpless weak flowers of vulnerability who can’t protect themselves and NEED to be protected by men because we’re so constantly in danger in life for our physical fragility. A woman in ownership of her full power, connected to the earth, balanced in her feminine and masculine i have found fears nothing. She has an incredible gift and ability to bring people back into their hearts and their truth. Those who would exploit or attack her inevitably find that they cannot meet her gaze, they fall at her feet or they flee in fear. That is the true power of the feminine. Personally, i think that listening to and taking on this fear based notion that women can't protect themselves TOO IS actually making women vulnerable to fear, harm and disempowered in ways they just do not have to be. Now just to be clear, I’m not talking about instinct that tells us when there is a genuine threat. I’m talking about the mind and collectively generated fear. The fear can be like an anchor we allow ourselves to be chained to, or even chain ourselves to that threatens to constrict us to one place, that keeps us disconnected from the wonderful experiences we’re meant to be having, for the wrong reasons. We are WAY more powerful than that. We just need to be lovingly shown and supported to see that we are. There were times in my life at which I believed too and fell prey to that above thinking, believed that men were physically stronger than me and I had no power in the face of their will, their anger, desires, their shadow (& my own.) Times at which I couldn’t physically overpower the grown men to who’s desired I objected and rejected and being denied, they tried to re-take the power by force. Situations in which, because of that exact collectively perpetuated fear above, i came to believe that i no power, but to surrender to minimise the damage. But in truth, after many years of work to heal myself and explore what TRUE feminine power really looks and feels like and where our true feminine power lies, I’ve come to have since been to the other extreme; so that, in recent years, when I’ve been in the vicinity of that same energy of threat, for the work I've done, the practices I've learned, the wisdom I've integrated and parts of myself remembered and reactivated, I’ve watched myself repeatedly get the upper hand when I had to and then progressed onto the stage where I was genuinely then surprised and scared at just how much it went to the other extreme and how much power I actually had over men (and women) in every day life that they would almost fall in love and fall at the feet of MY desires. And then finally onto getting used to wielding the ability to, for longer and longer, to hold the conscious feminine and masculine heart-centred presence for longer and longer and bring love, conscious awareness and equality to situations, personal and professional, where there was a power issue of one form or another playing out . For those of you who are wondering, just to clarify, none of that involved sex or seduction or any form of deliberate psychological manipulation. Simply knowing thy true feminine self, being in ones heart and owning and being willing to speak ones truth. And I’m not alone in this. I’ve witnessed countless, friends, colleagues, clients go through this same transition. To be able to now say with authority that no woman need EVER, EVER, be walking around in a state of fear all the time about her physical fragility and perceived lack of power and control. With strangers. Or the men closest to her. There are numerous, tangible, evidence based practices and some that have been around for thousands of years you can learn (or rather more accurately perhaps remember) that put you in your power and an equal to every other being on this planet. Ones that, if you really had no other choice, yes you could use to get the upper hand, but certainly that help you evolve to a place where the walking around in constant fear stuff will basically be off your radar (& you off the attackers thinking about doing it’s radars) and once you know it, then even if you did have to face an attacker, being in possession of this knowledge and these practices will either a) Bring them straight back into their hearts and integrity and like coming out of trance, they’ll immediately admit to what was just playing out and apologise. Best case scenario. b) Or they’ll sit there unable to look in your eyes stunned and unsure what to do, like a deer in the headlights and then you’ll choose what to do next and have the time and freedom to exit or ask them to c) Genuine attackers will not choose you and not even want to come near you because they wont be able to play out the harm they intend with you. As a friend put it to me when we discussed this the other day, “you are not the droid they’re looking for.” It all involves being in your heart, your integrity, in your power, and working with nature and human psychology, plus learning some physical practices that help you embody not just intellectually but with whole body conviction how to wield your own essence and power. Your own wildness and warrior spirit yes, but most importantly the truth of your heart. Me telling you all this intellectually though is one thing. You coming into the knowing of it yourself is another. And this is exactly a part of what i have designed my 5 week Life Reinvention Technology Course to help you my fellow Wellness and Social Enterprising women friends to not just understand but to start living your full feminine potential with confidence every single day. I cannot express just admamantly enough how much i want you to be living from that level of love and freedom every single day. To be operating from that level of love, empowerment, ease and grace in all aspects of life, business and personal, every single day. There is a beautiful possibility that lies beyond the fear place and it doesn’t matter who starts the growth process, woman, man, whoever, the same can develop. When a woman chooses to face the fear and step into being in our full power, we actually also empower men to come more fully into theirs. So that, once a certain point of healing has been achieved, for longer periods, we can both stop tip toeing around each other and our fear and fragility, we come into our full expression and the potential of who we're here to be and they come into full comfort and expression of their physical, emotional, psychological, sexual power and soulful, spiritual power. And yes they can still hold us through our fragile vulnerable bits and we through theirs. But at the end of the day, once every body finishes their processy moments, we step back and allow the other to come back into their fully empowered self and we stand together as Kings and Queens, as equals. Imagine a world were we all work towards THAT together? And trust that as we grow and let go of the old way, that we’ll all still align with each other on the other side in wonderful new ways, with a wonderful new depth of connection? So long as we’re all willing to look in the mirror and see and own our stuff, let it go and grow together. I’m not going to pretend that this journey of transforming into ones fully empowered self is an easy one. It's not for everyone. But it is so worth it. And it is an essential part of coming into our power as the next generation of female leaders, in our making a difference endeavours and is pivotal to our success in creating successful businesses and lives we love too, as well as thriving in our relationships. If you would like to know more about these transformative practices of which i speak, then please do contact me for a chat and I'll tell you a little bit more about them and how we can possibly do some work together in my upcoming Love Live Lead Workshop and 5 week Life Reinvention Program. I say might because it still has to be the right fit for us both and I need to check a few things with you to ensure that you are in fact not just willing but ready for this journey. (I will say no to people who i genuinely don't think my work is right for.) But that being said, I cannot tell you just how much in my heart I want women everywhere to remember their true heart centred power, their capacity to be the incredible, powerful, heart-centred, integral leaders of the future and live a life of love and freedom and true prosperity, whatever that means to you personally. And so i finish by saying again what i said on my Facebook page this week, don't buy into the fear, remember your power and the incredible love and strength that lays within you sister. Until next time, have fun, take care. Nat xxThree tips to help build your confidence and resilience in delivering your Thoughtleadership6/13/2016 Hey there fellow Wellness and Social Entrepreneur. If you're someone with an important message you would like to share with the world, whether online via social media or webinars, or face to face through speaking at events, then this one is for you. In my work of Coaching Wellness Business owners to share their gifts with the world and create successful businesses and lifestyles they love, I've found that there are a fairly common set of challenges particularly that we women face as we step up and declare our expertise in a particular area. Here are 3 tips and practices that I've found really help in building your confidence and resilience, as well as staying centred and in your flow in front of a crowd. Have a watch and feel free to let me know which ones you'll be implementing and how you go. Until next time, have fun, take care Warm regards Nat xxHey there. How are you travelling this week? One topic Kristyna and I have been discussing a lot lately, and I'm seeing pop up a lot this week is the concern about why some posts or offers that practitioners are putting out there just aren't converting into anything, like we hoped they would. Here's a video combining a few different schools of thought on the matter and on what you can do to start converting more of those posts and offers you put out there into sales. If you have any questions any thoughts you'd like to share, I'd love to hear. Until next time, have fun, take care. xx Nat |
WriterIn a world in which we've got too busy for meaningful human connection, Nat talks about the ways we can bring it back. Archives
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