So many times a week over recent years I've heard clients say that they were reluctant to get out in the world to talk about their business because they were afraid of selling and flat out annoying people. They'd worry that they'll be perceived as sleazy and salesy and that's the last thing that is in their hearts. They just want to help more people. But the connecting with more people, that can be scary. Let alone how. And what do you say when you do? Then you have to remind yourself, how is it that I help again? And, oh wait, which one of the ways that I can solve their problems should i suggest? Aiiiie! No wonder we then start looking for convenient excuses to get away from the phone. Here's a few things I want you to remember though. From someone who truly LOVES chatting to people and who's not only been told she could sell ice (like the frozen water kind, just so we're clear here) to Eskimos when she 100% believes and is passionate about the ice....and who, on repeated occasions, has applied the local practice building techniques she's been taught and teaches to fill an extra day a week in less than two weeks and then do it again when business/life happens and you need to inject some new energy to maintain momentum. The monk on the mountain top, didn't get a whole trail of people tracking up the mountain to see him/her hundreds of times a day just having put up a nice website or a Facebook page alone and then meditated on it in the lounge room. She/He did a genius job of sharing with the first person who saw it and came up to him/her of solving some major problem they had while lovingly being of service, standing for something important she/he believed in and then finally training the person who was leaving with love hearts for eyes HOW to send more people UP the mountain to access his/her insight, when they got back down the mountain and saw others, looking like a whole new person. They felt so moved by their transformation that they were more than happy to give something to him and his cause in exchange. Yet we don't consider him/her the sleazy sales guy, do we? We consider him/her to be this incredible person amazingly being of service to the world, while sharing her/his incredible wisdom with the world. We see he or she is serving the greater good. In any moment where you're scared to send an email or pick up the phone, for fear of what might happen, remember, you're not the sleazy sales dude, you're some kickass Super Hero/Wonder Woman version of the monk. Who just happens to dress and walk and talk just like you....because....oh that's right, remember, it IS you. You awesome and you have something amazing to share with the world, through a message, through sessions, through a program, through products that can genuinely make a difference in people's lives by helping them solve and resolve some of their greatest problems and align with what they aspire to be experiencing instead. Let me repeat that, you have something amazing and needed to SHARE with the world. And it would be an incredible shame, maybe even an injustice to the world if you don't make an attempt to share it with a whole bunch of people in the world who need it, and the people around them who also work with them, who can get the word out to them about your product or program and your bigger picture vision and message (which may actually, be even more of the reason they choose you in the end...because you also stand for something they value and believe in). People need to know about you and what you do. So you need to tell them. HOW you choose to do it, is totally up to you. There are multiple ways one can do that. Many more than will fit in this blog. But lovely please, let go of that stuff about selling because it's just not true. Part of your job as a Practitioner, Service Based Business Owner and Leader is to share or to have people SHARE on behalf of you, what you do, so that new people will know about you and understand what you can help them with, hence why they could benefit greatly from coming to you. That might though mean at times that you have some work to do too so that YOU truly understand what it is that makes you so awesome and thoroughly needed. Though you might first have to do some research on what it is that they want, and how they talk about what they want, as opposed to how you understand what it is that they actually need. Your success lies just as much in getting to know your market backwards in terms of both and them operating from your intuition. Trust me though, when you get up each day and ask who new or old you can connect with through your business, who else in the world would be super aligned with your vision and how you work and mutually awesomely complimentary to each other in what you both do, plus ask who needs my support right now and where can I find them, it's suddenly heaps EASIER to start the work day making 30 phone calls, sending emails, messages, writing ads and copy and putting it out there...because you're truly believing you're doing the world a favour by listening to and delivering on the very urges of your soul purpose. Rather than focusing on avoiding anything that might go wrong on the way. That's not ego, that's not self righteous, that's just you having self belief and backing yourself, so that when someone asks you if your solution can work for them, you deliver a certain answer. They need your certainty, they need your clarity to engage in your process. If you need help with any of this process, from the working out what to share, from the how to share, to the where to share it, and the getting over the unhelpful thoughts we think that hinder us from getting out there, that's where having a Mentor who's done what you need to do and fought her way through the EVIL enchanted forest of limiting beliefs about start up business (or rather lovingly transformed the forest) can be incredibly beneficial. Please know that I'm here for you if you need. Coaching and Mentoring people just like you is a big part of what i do. More than that, so much too of getting past out blocks and aligning ourselves to reach our highest potential in being of service in our businesses is about having daily practices that help heal and clear the thoughts and energy of what isn't working and replacing it with the focus and the energy that is the literal embodiment of you being of service and living a life you truly love. Practiced daily, it's amazing how fast you shift. It's amazing how much clearer, more confident and flat out inspired you feel when you do. Imagine the extra momentum you could get in your business with 30 days straight alignment and new energy. This is exactly what you get in the 30 Days to the Life I Love program and continue on with one on one. If you're ready to make that massive shift and get momentum you need right now to start the holiday season and 2018 on the right foot, I'd love for you to join us for the final November 30 Day program for the year. If you'd like to find out more about either, feel free to fill out the form below. Super looking forward to helping you out in any way that i can. Until next we chat, keep on being awesome. The world needs you! Nat xxoo |
WriterIn a world in which we've got too busy for meaningful human connection, Nat talks about the ways we can bring it back. Archives
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