Hey there. Did you have a great long weekend? I had a truly awesome one, which is precisely what got me thinking about manifesting things we love. For years now, people have been commenting, giggling, cursing the efficiency with which i've so often created and attracted exactly what i needed in the moments where i needed it in such little time...but what is it that i do differently that sees it happen with such seemingly little effort? (Though I can tell you not really, even if it looks that way.) Well today i thought i'd reverse engineer for you one of my secrets of how and when exactly I first worked out how to really make this work in my favour (particularly when it comes to my speaker self), secret i stumbled upon entirely by accident, as a bi-product of something else i loved doing, that i later realised gave me an advantage others hadn't had. That thing would be my performing arts background, specifically my acting, musical theatre background and long history of spontaneous freestyle dance moments. Here's why. The skills required to be a great actor and a great manifester actually overlap. For much of my childhood and teenage years, i loved performing arts and was never short of a lead role in high school when i wanted one. Like many schools, when it came to drama class, I got busy learning everything i could about Stanislavski and his system, which is essentially the art of not just directing someones voice and movement, but completely, wholeheartedly immersing oneself in the reality of the character one is to bring to life and improvising ones way in the moment through the experience of each moment of being that character. As someone who was very empathic and empathetic, it wasn't much of a stretch to me start imagining from the inside what it might be like to be each character i brought to life during that time and with practice. I was good at asking lots of curious questions about every aspect of what it would be like to be that person, from how they react to a doorbell, to how the fidget when sitting on the couch, to what happens in their stomach when they hear their partner come home from work and shut them out for the 10 000th time. I was really good at putting myself in their shoes. But, over time, I also got better and better at letting my imagination, my creative flow, the energy, the life force and emotion of that being flow as my own. Improvisation is total surrender to pure creativity in the moment. Like a child does so well when they play, but we forget when life happens and we grow up. Acting was a way of bringing that ability back, in a focused fashion, with an intention. Just like the process of manifestation. I've long since intended to let that part of me go that tries to play other people's characters, in favour of bring forward more of my own. BUT what remains is the creative flow of visualisation, of improvisation, through dance and the creative flow of my voice, wether i sing it out loud, or let it flow on a video or on a stage. The allowing of my feminine creative flow in motion. If you remember for a second what is required under the law of attraction to manifest something, it is to be able to picture and put yourself in the picture of exactly what you want to create and experience, as though it's happening right here, right now, and connecting with the emotion of what that would feel like to be living that. Sometimes it helps to remember past experiences to help inspire your creativity in the present moment, it gives you an emotional canvas on which to imagine the happy reality of the future. It is the emotion of it, plus your clear declaration of a HELL YES to that experience that puts the energy in motion and through it you align with and bring into your reality THAT desired reality. So are you getting it? The skills one has to master of imagination, surrendering to the pure live creative flow and emotional expression that are required to be a kick ass performance artist, are inadvertently some of the same ones required (plus aligning with one's truest self, soul purpose and who we're here to co-create that with) are what are required to become a Masterful Manifestor. I don't have anything anyone else any doesn't, it's just that i was more recently familiar with going all in with that creative process and that expressive embodiment process. Anyone else can re-cultivate this capacity too, with a little practice. BUT we have to get over our stuff and self judgements about HOW we look being in that process, wether privately, alone in our house or LIVE in front of others, or on a Facebook live and be willing to stay IN the process, even maybe while looking a little silly, for the gifts that come on the other side of practice. Yes, we might screw it up a little, and look around and go, "OH MY GOD, DID ANYONE JUST SEE ME DO THAT?" And probably they did. BUT they also see it and LOVE it when we STAY in and grow through them. So how do i specifically do it now? If it's just me, I'll sit and meditate for a start, to align and with a specific intention in mind, as to what i intend to bring through and create. Envisioning It In this, lets take a Women's Leadership talk i'm envisioning doing to a large audience at some point in the not too distant future. I've been wanting to do one for a while, but wasn't entirely sure what it would be on. Yesterday morning, very early, I was standing in my bedroom. And after meditating on it, I started feeling into the flow of it. Then I start picturing standing there as thought i'm doing it live. At first, in my head, I was standing in a huge theatre, the kind you see in TED talks and i was on the stage. I could see the stage lights, i could see the audience down below, I could feel the tremendous amount of groundedness and presence and light with which i was standing on that stage and I was feeling the audience. They felt good, they felt warm and receptive and I was in ownership of that space on that stage, just like i'd been hundreds of times, on stage, earlier in life, knowing, trusting in my ability to utilise their full attention, to be present in a pause, before i delivered lines and a lived a character. Same feeling, only this time, i feel COMPLETELY content and IN myself as me, knowing, trusting in the pause, feeling this audience lean and listen in as i step out there and go forward to greet and meet them, with this message they need. Get up and Rehearse it And now, in the real world bedroom space i'm in, I literally stand up and I'm standing there and I just start talking...and at least 3 epic concepts and messages that i know backwards because they're my life's learning, just start pouring out of me...at the same time i'm projecting/feeling my imaginary audience and how they are with this...now is the time when this message is needed for these people, in that room, and for thousands who will watch this later, they're receiving and connecting with "hell yes' " with this wisdom, they too are super grateful to be there. I continue to feel the how they feel and how i feel. Own it And then, having connected with that, I reflect and think about it for a second, and wether I want that, and i say hell yes. I created it (i saw it) i felt it, I stood there like i was doing it even and I claimed, Let go and let it come to you But then i completely let go of it and gave it life to do with it what it will and then got on with getting ready for the day and my first meeting today. Act upon it As i continue to tune in each work day that comes in future, if there's something i have to do to help make it happen, i will then act upon that. And if i hear i have to sit and wait for it to arrive, then i'll do that.
So that's it, that's my secret shared for the day. How does this compare with your manifestation practice? Is it similar? Did i just give you something you can incorporate into your practice, to fire up its manifestation mojo a little bit more? Love to hear your thoughts. Particularly with the public speaking/video/live event parts, not only is there magic in preparing, BUT you're also adding time and energy to the very manifestation of it as well, by living into how it looks like when it happens, closing the gap between the dream and the lived reality in the process. It's a big part of how i started winning at this game, and if you're not already rocking it, could well be a part of you winning at it too. Until next time, have fun, take care. Nat xoxo |
WriterIn a world in which we've got too busy for meaningful human connection, Nat talks about the ways we can bring it back. Archives
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